Institution name: Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
Comments: Default comments

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd A
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
08:50-09:40 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
09:40-10:30 --- --- ---
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 27
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
10:30-11:20 ---
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 030
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 007
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 4
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 5
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 29
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 018
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 28
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer System Lab
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 020
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
1:30-02:20 -x- -x-
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer Programming Lab1
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
02:20:03:10 -x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
General Purpose Lab1
--- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd B
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
08:50-09:40 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
09:40-10:30 ---
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 28
--- ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 4
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
General Purpose Lab1
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 5
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 4
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
Computer System Lab
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 5
--- ---
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 5
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer System Lab
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 018
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer System Lab
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 018
1:30-02:20 -x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
Computational Lab
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer Programming Lab1
02:20:03:10 -x- -x-
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 007
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
General Purpose Lab1
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd C
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
08:50-09:40 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 007
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 030
--- ---
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 7
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 5
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 5
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 007
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
General Purpose Lab1
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer System Lab
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 4
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
Computer Programming Lab1
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
General Purpose Lab1
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- ---
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
Computer Programming Lab2
1:30-02:20 -x- -x-
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 018
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Abbas
Lecture Room 4
02:20:03:10 -x- -x-
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer System Lab
Data Structures
Engr. Waseem ullah Khan
Computer Programming Lab1
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd D
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
08:50-09:40 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
09:40-10:30 --- ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 29
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 5
10:30-11:20 ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 018
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
Computational Lab
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
11:20:12:10 ---
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 007
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 27
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 4
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 4
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Computer Programming Lab2
Multivariable Calculus
Mr. Asad Ali
Lecture Room 28
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
General Purpose Lab1
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Computational Lab
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Shahzad Hameed
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- --- --- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x-
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Computer Programming Lab1
Software Engineering
Mr. Noor ul Arfeen
Lecture Room 018
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd E
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
08:50-09:40 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
09:40-10:30 --- ---
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 020
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 5
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 030
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 28
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 4
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 020
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
Computational Lab
11:20:12:10 --- --- ---
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 030
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computer Programming Lab1
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Computer Programming Lab2
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Computer Programming Lab2
--- -x-
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
General Purpose Lab1
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
Computer Programming Lab1
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 7
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
02:20:03:10 ---
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 28
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computational Lab
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd F
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
08:50-09:40 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 018
Data Structures_
Dr. Javed Bangash
Computer System Lab
Data Structures_
Dr. Javed Bangash
General Purpose Lab1
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 020
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 018
Data Structures_
Dr. Javed Bangash
General Purpose Lab1
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 030
11:20:12:10 ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 29
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computational Lab
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 27
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 007
12:10-01:00 ---
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computer Programming Lab1
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
1:30-02:20 --- --- --- --- -x-
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computational Lab
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
General Purpose Lab1
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 4
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 29
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd G
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 28
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 27
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 020
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
Computational Lab
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 5
-x- --- ---
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 28
10:30-11:20 --- -x- ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 28
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 28
11:20:12:10 ---
Data Structures_
Dr. Javed Bangash
General Purpose Lab1
Data Structures_
Dr. Javed Bangash
General Purpose Lab1
12:10-01:00 ---
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computational Lab
Data Structures_
Dr. Javed Bangash
General Purpose Lab1
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computer Programming Lab2
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Abdullah
Computational Lab
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 5
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 4
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Dr. Muhammad Asim
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd H
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Computer Programming Lab1
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 030
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
08:50-09:40 ---
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 020
--- --- ---
09:40-10:30 ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 27
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 030
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Computer System Lab
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- ---
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 030
Data Structures
Engr. Muhammad Nauman
Computer Programming Lab1
Operating Systems
Mr. Muhammad Shoib
Lecture Room 007
--- ---
12:10-01:00 --- --- --- ---
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 4
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 5
Multivariable Calculus
Dr. Muhammad Farhan
Lecture Room 27
-x- -x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
General Purpose Lab1
--- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd I
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 030
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computer System Lab
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 018
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 28
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 27
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
--- --- ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 007
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
General Purpose Lab1
Software Engineering
Mrs. Lala Rukh
Lecture Room 020
--- ---
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Computational Lab
10:30-11:20 --- ---
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computer System Lab
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Computer Programming Lab1
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computer Programming Lab1
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd J
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
08:50-09:40 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
09:40-10:30 --- --- ---
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computer Programming Lab1
Software Engineering
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 030
Software Engineering
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 29
--- ---
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 28
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 27
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Computational Lab
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computational Lab
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 28
Software Engineering
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 27
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 3rd K
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
--- ---
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computer Programming Lab2
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Computational Lab
08:50-09:40 ---
Software Engineering
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 030
Software Engineering
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 27
09:40-10:30 --- --- --- ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 020
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- --- ---
11:20:12:10 --- --- --- --- ---
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
General Purpose Lab1
Software Engineering
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 020
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computer Programming Lab2
1:30-02:20 --- ---
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 030
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Junaid Bukhsh
Computer System Lab
02:20:03:10 ---
Data Structures
Mr. Yasir Ahmad
Computer Programming Lab2
Operating Systems
Mr. Daniyal Liaquat
Lecture Room 020
--- -X-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 3rd A
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer Programming Lab2
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer Programming Lab2
-x- -x-
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 018
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 4
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 29
-x- -x-
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 030
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computational Lab
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 007
-x- -x-
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computational Lab
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
-x- -x-
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computational Lab
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 030
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
-x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer System Lab
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 7
-x- -x-
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 29
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 020
--- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 --- --- --- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 3rd B
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 27
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 28
-x- -x-
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computational Lab
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 018
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
-x- -x-
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 7
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 007
--- -x- -x-
10:30-11:20 ---
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
General Purpose Lab1
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 7
-x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computational Lab
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computer System Lab
-x- -x-
12:10-01:00 ---
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer Programming Lab1
-x- -x-
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computer System Lab
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 007
-x- -x-
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 5
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 27
--- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 3rd C
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 28
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 29
--- -x- -x-
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 5
-x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computer System Lab
-x- -x-
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 007
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 007
--- -x- -x-
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 28
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 020
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 020
-x- -x-
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
-x- -x-
1:30-02:20 ---
Data Structures*
Ms. Asia Jan
Computer Programming Lab2
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer Programming Lab2
-x- -x-
02:20:03:10 --- ---
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 018
-x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 3rd D
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 ---
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 27
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 29
-x- -x-
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 27
Data Structures*
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Data Structures*
Mr. Rooh Ullah
-x- -x-
Data Structures*
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Data Structures*
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Software Engineering*
Mrs. Sana Salahuddin
Lecture Room 27
-x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 020
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
-x- -x-
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 018
Artificial Intelligence*
Mr. Said Ul Abrar
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Operating Systems*
Ms. Maleeha Tahir
Lecture Room 018
-x- -x-
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 020
Probability & Statistics*
Mr. Hameed Ali
Lecture Room 4
--- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 --- --- --- -x- -x-
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer System Lab
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer Programming Lab1
Computer Organization & Assembly Language*
Mr. Farooq Faisal
Computer Programming Lab2
-x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(AI) 3rd A
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Computer System Lab
Software Engineering..
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 5
--- ---
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Computer Programming Lab1
Probability & Statistics..
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 4
Software Engineering..
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 020
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
09:40-10:30 --- ---
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Probability & Statistics..
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 007
Probability & Statistics..
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 007
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- --- ---
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- ---
Artificial Intelligence*.
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence*.
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Computer System Lab
Artificial Intelligence*.
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Computational Lab
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- --- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x-
Software Engineering..
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 4
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(AI) 3rd B
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 ---
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Computer Programming Lab2
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Computer Programming Lab1
Artificial Intelligence*.
Mr. Kamran Ullah
08:50-09:40 --- --- --- --- ---
09:40-10:30 ---
Software Engineering..
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 7
Software Engineering..
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 030
Software Engineering..
Ms. Shumaila Farhad
Lecture Room 28
Data Structures..
Mr. Rooh Ullah
Computer Programming Lab1
Probability & Statistics..
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 7
--- ---
Probability & Statistics..
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 030
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- --- ---
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- ---
Probability & Statistics..
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 020
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence*.
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Computational Lab
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x-
Artificial Intelligence*.
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Computer System Lab
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th A
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 018
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 5
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 030
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
08:50-09:40 --- ---
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 7
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 5
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 27
09:40-10:30 ---
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 4
--- ---
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 27
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 7
--- --- ---
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th B
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 020
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 29
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 7
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 007
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 018
--- ---
09:40-10:30 --- ---
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 7
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 7
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 28
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 007
--- ---
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th C
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- ---
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 7
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 007
08:50-09:40 --- ---
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 030
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 7
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 7
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 020
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 5
--- ---
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 29
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- ---
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 4
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th D
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- --- --- ---
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 018
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 29
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 5
--- --- ---
09:40-10:30 --- ---
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 28
Operating Systems.
Miss. Sana Shafiq
Lecture Room 4
Software Engineering - II
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq
Lecture Room 018
10:30-11:20 --- ---
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 27
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 7
Differential Equations
Dr. Arshad Khan
Lecture Room 29
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th E
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- ---
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 27
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 7
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 030
--- ---
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 4
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 4
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 29
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 030
10:30-11:20 --- ---
Information Security
Mr. Nisar Ali
Weed Science Hall
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 27
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 5
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th F
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 5
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 018
--- ---
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 020
08:50-09:40 --- --- ---
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 018
09:40-10:30 --- ---
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
--- ---
10:30-11:20 ---
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 4
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 020
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 7
--- ---
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 007
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 5
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th G
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- --- --- --- ---
08:50-09:40 ---
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 29
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 29
09:40-10:30 ---
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 018
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 018
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 018
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
--- ---
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 7
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 27
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 7
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 020
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th H
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 007
--- ---
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 29
08:50-09:40 --- --- --- --- ---
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
--- --- --- ---
10:30-11:20 --- --- ---
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 5
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 020
--- --- --- ---
12:10-01:00 ---
Differential Equations
Mr. Hazrat Bilal
Lecture Room 007
--- ---
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 007
1:30-02:20 --- ---
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 5
Operating Systems.
Mr. Muhammad Fawad Main
Lecture Room 007
02:20:03:10 ---
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
Software Engineering - II
Mr. Muhammad Muntazir
Lecture Room 030
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 5th I
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- --- ---
Differential Equations
Mr. Wakeel Khan
Lecture Room 020
Differential Equations
Mr. Wakeel Khan
Lecture Room 020
--- --- ---
Differential Equations
Mr. Wakeel Khan
Lecture Room 018
09:40-10:30 --- --- --- --- ---
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- --- ---
11:20:12:10 --- --- --- --- ---
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
Information Security
Mr. Kashif Ali
Weed Science Hall
--- ---
1:30-02:20 --- --- --- --- -X-
02:20:03:10 --- --- --- --- -X-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 5th A
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- ---
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 007
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 27
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
General Purpose Lab1
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Weed Science Hall
--- --- -x-
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 27
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 29
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
General Purpose Lab1
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Weed Science Hall
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
Computational Lab
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 28
--- -x-
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 007
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
Computer Programming Lab2
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 5th B
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
Computer Programming Lab1
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 7
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
Computer System Lab
--- -x-
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 5
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
Computational Lab
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
Computer System Lab
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
General Purpose Lab1
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 29
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Weed Science Hall
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 018
System and Network Administration*
Dr. Asfandyar
Computational Lab
10:30-11:20 ---
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
Computer Programming Lab2
System and Network Administration*
Dr. Asfandyar
Computational Lab
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 018
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Weed Science Hall
System and Network Administration*
Dr. Asfandyar
Computer System Lab
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 5
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Weed Science Hall
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 5th C
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Software Engineering#
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 29
Artificial Intelligence#
Ms. Sana Zahir
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
--- --- -x-
08:50-09:40 ---
Web Engineering#
Mr. Majid Shahab
Computer System Lab
Software Engineering#
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 28
Information Security#
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Lecture Room 28
Information Security#
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Lecture Room 28
Artificial Intelligence#
Ms. Sana Zahir
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Artificial Intelligence#
Ms. Sana Zahir
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Enterprise Systems#
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 27
Information Security#
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Lecture Room 27
Software Engineering#
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 29
Web Engineering#
Mr. Majid Shahab
General Purpose Lab1
Enterprise Systems#
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 28
Web Engineering#
Mr. Majid Shahab
General Purpose Lab1
Enterprise Systems#
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 29
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 5th D
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- --- ---
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
Computer System Lab
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Weed Science Hall
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 28
--- --- -x-
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
Computer System Lab
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
General Purpose Lab1
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 5
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 020
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 4
Enterprise Systems*
Ms. Kanwal Lodhi
Lecture Room 29
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
General Purpose Lab1
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Artificial Intelligence*.
Ms. Sana Zahir
Computer Programming Lab2
Information Security*
Mr. Gulzar Ahmad
Weed Science Hall
Software Engineering*.
Ms. Nida Gul
Lecture Room 4
Web Engineering*
Mr. Majid Shahab
Computer System Lab
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 7th A
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- ---
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 4
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 4
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computer System Lab
Digital Image Processing.
Dr. Arbab Waseem Abbas
Computer Programming Lab1
Digital Image Processing.
Dr. Arbab Waseem Abbas
Computer Programming Lab1
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computer Programming Lab1
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
09:40-10:30 --- ---
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computer Programming Lab1
10:30-11:20 --- ---
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
--- -x-
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 29
--- --- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 7th B
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- --- --- --- -x-
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 007
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 29
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computational Lab
--- ---
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computer System Lab
Digital Image Processing.
Dr. Arbab Waseem Abbas
Computer Programming Lab1
Digital Image Processing.
Dr. Arbab Waseem Abbas
Computer Programming Lab1
--- -x-
11:20:12:10 ---
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 7
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computational Lab
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 7th C
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 020
--- --- --- -x-
Digital Image Processing.
Dr. Arbab Waseem Abbas
Computer Programming Lab1
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
General Purpose Lab1
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
Digital Image Processing.
Dr. Arbab Waseem Abbas
Computer Programming Lab1
--- -x-
10:30-11:20 --- --- ---
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computer System Lab
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Dr. Muhammad Imran
Computer Programming Lab1
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 030
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 030
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 7th D
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 ---
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 28
Digital Image Processing
Mr. M. Shahid Asst. Prof.
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Digital Image Processing
Mr. M. Shahid Asst. Prof.
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
08:50-09:40 ---
Digital Image Processing
Mr. M. Shahid Asst. Prof.
Computer Programming Lab2
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 007
-x- -x-
09:40-10:30 --- --- --- -x- -x-
Dr. Muahammad Fayaz
Lecture Room 29
--- ---
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
Modern Programming Languages.
Mr. Imranuddin
Computer Programming Lab2
11:20:12:10 -x- -x- -x- -x-
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 7th E
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 ---
Digital Image Processing
Mr. M. Shahid Asst. Prof.
Computational Lab
Lecture Room 018
08:50-09:40 --- ---
Digital Image Processing
Mr. M. Shahid Asst. Prof.
Computational Lab
Digital Image Processing
Mr. M. Shahid Asst. Prof.
Computational Lab
Modern Programming Languages
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computer Programming Lab2
Modern Programming Languages
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computer Programming Lab2
Modern Programming Languages
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computational Lab
--- ---
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- ---
Lecture Room 27
11:20:12:10 ---
Lecture Room 018
--- --- ---
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 7th F
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- ---
Modern Programming Languages
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computer Programming Lab1
Modern Programming Languages
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computer System Lab
08:50-09:40 ---
Lecture Room 7
Modern Programming Languages
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computer System Lab
09:40-10:30 --- --- --- --- ---
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- --- ---
11:20:12:10 --- --- ---
Lecture Room 28
Lecture Room 020
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(CS) 7th G
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 ---
Lecture Room 4
--- ---
Lecture Room 28
08:50-09:40 --- --- ---
Lecture Room 030
09:40-10:30 --- --- --- --- ---
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- --- ---
11:20:12:10 --- --- --- --- ---
12:10-01:00 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

back to the top

Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 7th A
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00-08:50 --- --- ---
NoSQL Database Systems*
Mr. Kamran Ullah
General Purpose Lab1
Mobile Application Development*
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computer Programming Lab2
Mobile Application Development*
Mr. Irshad Khan
General Purpose Lab1
NoSQL Database Systems*
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
Mobile Application Development*
Mr. Irshad Khan
General Purpose Lab1
09:40-10:30 --- --- --- ---
NoSQL Database Systems*
Mr. Kamran Ullah
General Purpose Lab1
10:30-11:20 --- --- --- ---
Professional Practices*
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 018
11:20:12:10 --- --- --- --- ---
12:10-01:00 --- ---
Professional Practices*
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 5
Professional Practices*
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 4
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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Institute of Computer Science/ Information Technology, FMCS, University of Agriculture Peshawar
BS(IT) 7th B
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Mobile Application Development*
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computational Lab
Mobile Application Development*
Mr. Irshad Khan
General Purpose Lab1
Mobile Application Development*
Mr. Irshad Khan
Computational Lab
08:50-09:40 ---
Professional Practices*
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 27
--- ---
NoSQL Database Systems*
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
09:40-10:30 --- --- ---
NoSQL Database Systems*
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Computer System Lab
10:30-11:20 --- --- ---
NoSQL Database Systems*
Mr. Kamran Ullah
Logic Design & Electronics Lab
11:20:12:10 --- --- ---
Professional Practices*
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 7
Professional Practices*
Ms. Sarah Iqbal
Lecture Room 29
12:10-01:00 --- --- --- --- ---
1:30-02:20 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
02:20:03:10 -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-
Timetable generated with FET 5.46.1 on 9/3/24 4:20 PM

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